Lecture6 - exponential response formula (ERF)#
The ERF framework#
This method gives us guide to find the nonhomogeneous (particular) solutions for exponential-type forcing or source term. Consider the second order ODE:
Below exponential inputs are all special cases of exponential function
Example 12
Theorem 2
Exponential-input theorem
Proof. if
Example 13
We first complixy the ODE, solve the particular solution, and find its imaginary part:
So the particular solution is:
Theorem 3
Exponential-shift theorem
Proof. Consider
Theorem 4
where a is complex.
If P(a) = 0, a is a simple root of P(D), then the particular solution is
If a is a double root, then the particular solution is
Proof. 1. simple root case.
Example 14
So 1 is a simple root.
The particular solution is
Proof. 2. double root case.
Resonance revisit#
Now we can revisit the resonance case with ERF. Consider below ODE and assume input frequency is not equal to the natural frequency.
Complexify the ODE:
Consider a very particular solution:
When the two frequencies are very similar:
The geometric meaning of the very particular solution is “beats”:
When resonance occurs, we can apply ERF directly:
Complexify the equation, we can get