Sea Ice

Sea-ice data illustration: individual homework assignment 10%. See more details here.

What is sea ice?

  • Sea ice is formed in the salty ocean water (-1.8°C)

  • Sea ice appears in Arctic and Antarctica. Sea ice can form in Bohai Bay.

  • Sea ice covers about 25 million square km of the Earth’s surface (about 2.5 times the area of Canada, or 15% of world’s ocean).

Classification of Sea Ice

  • By age: first-year v.s. multi-year

  • New ice: < 10 cm thick

  • Young ice: 10-30 cm

    • grey ice: 10-15 cm

    • grey-white ice: 15-30 cm

  • First-year ice: > 30 cm, but melt out in melting season (summer)

  • Multi-year ice: 2-4 m, survived melting season

Sea Ice Formation

  • Phase diagram of salt water

  • Ice growth process

    • Rough ocean: pancake ice -> rafting or ridging -> cementing or consolidation -> sheet ice

    • Calm ocean: grease ice -> nilas -> rafting -> congelation ice -> sheet ice

  • Salinity and brine

  • The role of waves

Multi-year Sea Ice

  • Freshwater supplies for polar expeditions.

  • Multi-year ice has different electromagnetic properties from first-year ice, so that satellite sensors can distinguish them.

  • More multi-year ice in Arctic than in Antarctica.

Sea Ice Features

  • Sea ice and melting ponds

  • Pancake ice

  • Ridged sea ice

  • Leads

  • Polynyas

  • Sea ice and oceanic mesoscale eddies

  • Lake ice

Sea Ice Thermodynamics

  • Freezing degree days (FDD in deg C).

  • Thickness (cm) = 1.33xFDD^0.58 (Lebedev 1938).

  • Snow cover slows the growth of ice.

  • Albedo effect (melting pond -> 0.4-0.5 and surface 0.75).

  • Thermodynamic equilibrium thickness (no heat transfer): 3 meters in Arctic; 1-2 meters in Antarctica.

Sea Ice Dynamics

  • Dynamics does not direct contribute to sea ice formation or reduction.

  • Winds

    • generally sea ice that drifts freely moves at 2 percent of the wind speed

    • sea ice surface roughness (angle).

    • 20-40 degrees to the right in Northern Hemisphere.

  • Ocean currents

  • Coriolis force

  • Internal ice stress

  • Sea surface tilt

Sea-ice Impacts on Earth System

  • Albedo feedback

  • Atmospheric heat transport

  • Thermohaline circulation

    • Greenland melting

    • sea ice (brine effect)

  • Rivers (10% of world’s river discharge)

  • Sea-ice movements

  • Heat exchange

Sea Ice Gridded Data

  • Sea-ice concentration (SIC):

    • the amount of area covered by sea ice within one grid relative to some reference area

    • 0-1 to 0-100%, unitless

  • Sea-ice area (SIA):

    • total area covered by sea ice -> area size times sea-ice concentration

    • unit in km^2 or mile^2

  • Sea-ice extent (SIE):

    • having sea ice or no sea ice in one grid -> 0 or 1

    • threshold: sea-ice concentration 15%

    • always larger than sea-ice area

    • unitless or unit in km^2 or mile^2

  • Sea-ice thickness (SIT):

    • freeboard

    • draft

    • unit in meter

Arctic Field Study

  • Not much reliable sea ice records before 1979.

  • Russian has the most sea-ice records, but when Soviet Union collapsed there’s no funding to sustain.

  • Beginning in September 2019, the Multidisciplinary drifting Observatory for the Study of Arctic Climate (MOSAiC) expedition sent the German research icebreaker Polarstern to the Arctic to spend a year trapped in sea ice.

Remote Sensing Measurements

  • Visible

  • Infrared

  • Passive microwave

  • Active microwave

Sea-ice Prediction

  • Sea Ice Prediction Network

  • Methods:

    • heuristic model

    • statistical framework

    • dynamical framework

    • deep learning framework

  • Source of predictability:

    • sea-ice reemergence

    • atmospheric precursor

    • oceanic precursor

    • sea ice itself (?)

Changing Sea Ice in Arctic and Antarctica

  • September Arctic sea ice

    • Arctic sea ice melt and freeze day

    • Riverine impact on Arctic sea ice

  • February Antarctica Sea Ice

    • Increase rather than decrease under global warming

  • Sea Ice in the future

  • NASA Visualization Explorer

Sea Ice Geoengineering and Management